
Monday, May 2, 2011

Current Events and Thoughts.

There is so many things bombarding our society and world right now! I don't know whether it is my increased awareness of what is occurring in the world or whether it is a true increase, but it seems like things have been occurring at a greater rate than in the past. I hope to recount some of the major events for historical purposes so that I may remember the context in which I first thought about it (opinions etc.)

Last month (or there abouts)
-large seismic activity in pacific causing huge tsunamis and earthquakes in Japan. Many killed, huge devastation.

-(before japan earthquake) revolts in egypt. rebels rallied against mobarrack (spelling may be off) who was the long time leader and ally with the U.S. U.S. leader Obama turned on his ally saying that it was time for him to go and that he has lost his legitimacy as a leader. Military now operates as an interim government until democratic elections which will take place in up coming months. Some worry that there is not enough time for legititmate forms of government to campaign (e.g. the only groups who will be on top of things with campaigning are radical islamists). There has been increased violence against Christian groups in the region.

-(before revolution in egypt) revolt in tunisia (thought to have sparked the revolt in egypt). unclear as to the situation currently taking place there. Many refugees fled to islands off of italy. residents not too happy but situation promised to slowly improved with decreasing numbers of refugees present as they ship to northern european countries)

-(i think after revolution in egypt) revolution in libya. Rebels (who are unidentifiable and may be largely a part of extreme islamist groups) revolted against longtime leader Mommar Ghadafi (again spelling may be off) . U.S. had been allies with the libyan leader up to this point. Now leaders of NATO have turned against Ghadafi and seek to assasinate him to replace him and set up a more "democratic form of government". This is evident in the failed assasination attempt on Sunday or Saturday may 1, 2011 that resulted in the death of Ghadafi's youngest son, and at least 2 grand children. Though he and his wife were in the same house, they were uninjured in the assasination attempt. Despite the obvious, NATO claims that this was not an assasination attempt. Propaganda in the media against the Ghadafi regime has sparked some division and obvious leaks in the government (most likely out of fear of ending up on the wrong side once everything shakes down). The media would have it that he has lost his legitimacy as a leader. The question I ask is, what gives them the right to deal in the business of another country when the majority of the country supported the leader (corrupt or not) and a small sect rose up as muckrakers? It is my conclusion that those who have turned have turned on Ghadafi for fear of being on the losing side (as noted earlier). This is not a defense for any corruption in the libyan government that may or may not be present and is certainly not a defense for past crimes against humanity. However why pursue now? The U.S., in my opinion, is treading dangerous waters with shunning so many important arab allies and is soon at risk of losing its syrian and afghanistan allies as well.

-Osama bin Laden was taken down by navy seals late last night May 1, 2011 outside a military training compound in Pakistan. Pakistani officials claim that they did not know he was there but it looks suspicious due to the intense control of land of the military and the proximity of the compound that bin Laden was in to the military base which is the pakistani equivalent to "West Point". Afghan leader Kharzai says that since they have found and killed bin Laden, the reasons for continued U.S. presence in Afghanistan is dwindling (aka..get out of my country).

-Revolts occurring recently (within last couple of weeks) in Syria being violently put down. Same rhetoric in media as was present for libya. My guess is it will head the same direction with U.S. leaders saying that Syrian leader has lost 'legitimacy' and will then seek NATO's action against Syria to change who is in power.

-Tornadoes touched down last week wreaking havoc. Over 300 dead. Main damage in Alabama.

[please note that many statements related above are just my ignorant opinions of what I have pieced together with the intelligence I have received through various media outlets including CNN, BBC, and NPR.]

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