
Saturday, October 24, 2009

A beautiful, dreary autumn day..

The light seeped through the five inches of space that I had left open the night before to allow for a breeze, but no breeze passed by, my window being on the lee side. I restlessly roll over slowing gaining consciousness to my surroundings. The strength of the light at my window indicates it is later, maybe, than I should normally wake on a saturday morn. Alas, all is well for I have always everything to get done but never reach an end; never see the light at the end of the tunnel. Rather, i see the hole darkening as the semester progresses and am loaded with increasingly more and more projects and homework and tests to study for and lessons to plan and a life to live on the side. The latter has almost been extinguished by the former, but I am today indulging the latter. The light slowly fades and the sky grows darker. Then that slight coolness that is felt when an autumn shower blows through passes my window and a slow, beautiful melodic constant stirs outside ever increasing, seemingly never to cease. How beautiful! the golden maples shine in the background with a rising humid mist about the mountain.

This day, once fresh, is now waning.

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